Project Office

Final Project Objectives


The Project / Thesis is an essential part of the education of students who hope to become professionals in the field of computer science. In order that this is a learning experience, the following outline of objectives is presented.

There are three objectives that should be accomplished within the project / thesis.

1. Technical accomplishment: The technical results presented in the project should reflect the maturity of a senior level student in both the depth to which the subject is developed and in the degree to which a variety of information or viewpoints is brought to bear on the problem.

2. Diligent execution: The project will be independent work by the student / group, developed under his / her own initiative and on a timetable under the student's control. The instructor who supervises the senior project is expected to supply only general advice and guidance and to help the student avoid pitfalls and blunders; the day-to-day activities which affect the execution of the project are up to the student.

3. Effective communication: The project should represent a well polished piece of writing, with careful consideration given to presenting the results of the investigation in such a way as to provide a maximum of information with a minimum of effort required of the reader. Standard procedures of footnoting, referencing, and symbol usage as used in the technical literature should be employed. The final project / thesis document should give evidence that the student has acquired the ability to skillfully communicate on a technical subject to an audience less knowledgeable than the author. All computer programs are to be completely and fully documented.